Teih'a Relanah

'In love with love'

Age: mid-to late 20's
Pronouns: He/Him
Birthplace: The Black Shroud [East]
♦Miqo'te [Keeper of the Moon]
[] Resilient, steadfast, creative, cordial.
[✘] Timid, Uncommunicative, self-sabotaging


Easy to approach yet difficult to get close to. He's prone to keeping others at arm's length due to anxiety and insecurity issues, but craves company and despises feeling lonely.

Very open to help to the point of being a bit of a pushover as he struggles with confrontation and prefers to go with the flow to eventually regain his space to decompress. Will happily continue conversations and can thrive when in small groups as long as topics don't shift towards his personal life.

Some common places he can be found at are the outskirts of Little Solace in the East Shroud, The Drowning Wench and Upper Decks in Limsa Lominsa.